Watch Out for These Signs that You Need a Golf Practice Plan

Let's face it, you probably do not follow any sort of plan when practicing your golf.
You strut up to the range. You loosen up with a few wedges and then start to work through the rest of your bag. You fire irons in a straight line at the same pin before switching to your driver. You pump a few drivers before aimlessly hitting a few clubs to wrap it up.
You are often forced to skip the chipping and putting green after checking your phone and seeing that you have a few emails that need answering.
Good luck getting better with this approach.
Here are some of the classic signs that you might need a golf practice plan:
1. You put in the practice time, but aren't getting the results
Are you hustling to practice every week but are not seeing your golf handicap go down and getting the tournament results you expect? Create a well rounded practice plan for yourself to help hold yourself accountable for practicing all areas of your game.
What do we mean by well rounded?
- Ensure you are working on all aspects of the game particularly at the short game practice facility. Vary the clubs you use on the range and at the short game facility.
- Vary the shots you hit on the range. Do not just try to blast the same shot over and over again. Hit some low, some high. Hit some draws, some fades.
- Be honest about the strengths and weaknesses in you golf game. Do not just practice your weaknesses but put time into making your strengths stronger.
2. You spend more time on the range than the chipping and putting green
Most golfers have more fun on the range than the chipping and putting green. However, the vast majority of golf shots are played from inside 50 yards. Thus, you should spend more of your time on the chipping and putting greens.
Create fun games and challenges for yourself to spice up your practice session. Track your results over time to ensure you are putting pressure on yourself during your practice session.
3. You never know what you are going to do until you arrive
Are you tracking your historical golf results and trends to know where you need to put in the work to improve your game? Many golfers just show up to the practice facility and work through the same practice routine. You can get better using this approach but chances are it is going to take an awful long time.
Analyze your golf rounds and document a plan to help you improve on shots you had from the previous round. Factor in both shots you hit will and hit poorly. Struggled to hit a shot where the ball nestled up against the collar of the green? Add it to your practice sessions for the week.
4. You always end up trying to snipe the range picker for the last 20 minutes
Is there anything more satisfying? No. Will this improve your golf game? Probably not.
Many players struggle with focus on the practice facility. Having a documented practice plan will improve your focus and help you ensure that you stay on track throughout your session.
Find yourself getting distracted by friends and others at the practice facility? Try these additional tips to help you focus during your practice session.
If you really want to see results and lower scores, you need a golf "training" plan to guide your practice. Let our team show you the power of training with a purpose by giving you a free trial of our practice plan. Let us hold you accountable for your practice as you strive to reach your golfing goals.